Monday, May 13, 2013

Potential Energy Diagrams

1. The range of motion will be between -5 cm and 5 cm.
2. The particle can not cross the barrier because its total energy is less than that of the potential barrier.
3. There is more of a chance of detecting the particle between -5 cm and 0 cm because the potential is higher there than between 0 cm and 5 cm. This means that you must subtract the potential from total to get kinetic in the region -5 cm to 0 cm which is smaller than the kinetic in the region 0 cm to 5 cm where the potential is 0.
4. The motion will increase by a factor of root 2.
5. It will be an upside-down parabola.
6. Near the endpoints of the graph because the particle is moving slower at the ends.

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